Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 2 Listening Assignment

Hello All,

Here's this weekend's assignment. It's an interview between Jesse Thorn and Stephen Tobolowsky about something that happened to Stephen in a grocery store.

If you're downloading to a laptop, then use this link:

If you're using a mobile podcatcher like pocketcasts, then add this feed and select the September 17th episode.

In either case, please listen from 8:08 to 16:55. 

1 What two things did the man do that alerted Stephen that something was wrong?

2 What did Stephen see behind the man's back?

3 What idea did Stephen have to escape his problem?

4 Name two things that he saw outside of the store.

5 How did Stephen get away from the man?

Bonus Question: How much did his groceries finally cost?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Semester Homework 3B

Hello SL 3B students,

Here's a hard copy of the homework plan we discussed yesterday.

1 Vocabulary journal: You need to write 10 words that you heard each week in your journal.

2 Computer lab: You need to do the homework assigned on You have to spend 10 hours working on the website by the end of the semester in December (the website tracks your usage).
Note: This is been fixed and you're able to do the assigned work now

3 Weekly podcast: You need to listen to a short podcast (or short section from a podcast) and answer a few questions about it. This will be assigned every Thursday.

4 Unit Vocabulary Sheet: I'll give you a sheet before each new unit that you need to complete.

5 Textbook exercises: Occasionally, you'll need to complete homework in the textbook. This won't be every day.

6 Read for next unit: Read each unit before we begin it.

7 Unassigned listening: Find something you want to listen to and listen to it regularly. You should be listening to English on the radio, podcasts, or TV every day.

8 Presentation Preparation: There will be two presentations assigned this semester. You will need to prepare for each of them outside of class.

That looks like a lot of work to me. Good luck.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 1 Listening Assignment

Hello Students in SL 3B,

This is the first listening assignment. You can email the answers to me, or turn them in on Monday afternoon at the start of class.

1 What was the name (first and last) of the person this story is about?

2 When did this story take place? Where did it happen?

3 What was this man's job?

4 What happened to the man's wife?

5 Why is this man famous now?